So I'm talking to my about-to-turn-23 year old daughter, Rikki, this morning. She told me she thought it was funny she thinks almost the same exact thing about feeling like she was fit when she was 18 but now has to resolve herself to being too old to compete at the world class level. Really I was not trying to sound sad or sound as though it is too late to accomplish goals as you grow older, which in this case for me, is PSIA Level III. But I do think one must face reality and make the best of what you have. And heck, there are advantages to getting older. I remember an old cyclist telling me that what he looses in physical ability he gains in wisdom and trickery. As a ski instructor I have gained a great deal from all the years I have spent teaching skiing. From my experience with all kinds of people over the years, I have learned a tremendous amount of appreciation and skill in helping others reach their skiing goals. I have learned to figure out what people really want, what their motivations are and help them fulfill their wants and needs. I definitely did not have that same level of skill in my early years as an instructor when I was full of myself and very physically fit. Guess it’s all a matter of perspective.
BTW, here is a picture of Rikki competing at Worlds when she was 18.